YUM@$54.08 Buy (5) to open Oct. 49 call for $6.10 Sell(5) to open 5 July 55 Calls at $1.05. This stock has not sold as far as the market and has put in a nice bottom. We think we can get up to our short strike relatively easy. 7/8/2011 YUM $55.09 Sell to close […]
Archive for June, 2011
6/14/2011 TBT $33.63 Buy to open 5 Sept. 30 calls for $4.35 Sell to open 5 July 34 calls at $0.86. This correlates with interest rates. Inflation is moving higher in the rest of the world and the US POMO program is ending this may cause some fluctuations in the US interest rates. […]
Would you take unnecessary risk and want to pay more to do it? Neither would we but that doesn’t stop millions of active investors from doing this exactly. Yet, they wonder why they do not consistently make money! The opposite side is what they should be trying to do to make money consistently in the […]
If you were investing in a business venture, wouldn’t you want to put as many positives on your side as possible? Of course you would. SO…, why aren’t STOCK investors doing this in their ventures into making money through active investing? That’s a GREAT QUESTION! And we have an answer to it: “We have NO […]